Preparing the youth of the world for the challenges of the 21st Century

To aid educators and students Sponholtz Productions, LLC has created the premier teaching tools that far exceed what is currently available on the market today. By employing the same type of cutting-edge computer modeling used in successful movies such as "Despicable Me" and "Harry Potter" or in popular video games such as "Skyrim", "Call of Duty", and "Battlefield", our team has produced stunning visuals that readily engage the attention of students while at the same time convey rich graphics in three dimensions of substantive chemical properties that are notoriously difficult for students at the introductory level to visualize. With a thorough treatment of each topic, unprecedented visuals, the availability of student review material, and narrated by award-winning Professor Gordon Gribble (Dartmouth College), these DVDs have been labeled a must have for teachers and students around the globe.

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